I am a collector.

That simple sentence has taken me close to 15 years to formulate. I know many use the term ‘curator’ to describe what bloggers and others do when they pull ‘content’ together into posts. But a curator is not that. A curator is a real career, centered mostly in museum management. That is not me. When I first started blogging back in 2009, it was with the intention of gathering together the objects and people that inspired me. This intention allowed me to discover some of the most creative folks on this planet.

Ceramists, jewelry designers, woodworkers, graphic designers, painters and textile artisans all entered my orbit, like bright stars against an ebony sky. The constant sense of wonder filled my with awe and gratitude. Somewhere along the path, I was able to transform my interests to include offering my creative services to others, affording me the opportunity to work for myself. I am forever grateful to the artists and small business owners who helped me realize that objective with joy.

As I have grown as a collector of good things, I have also struggled to accept the rapid changes that have occurred in the digital world. I am a reluctant user of social media. My intuition told me that the early days, those joyous and connecting early days of social media, would not last. Alas, that time has come. I soon found myself pulling away, finding shelter and safety for my sensitive soul in other places and spaces. Add to the mix full-time employment, graciously offered to me by one of my former clients and some chronic health challenges, my time has become more precious and managing it more necessary.

Today, I am feeling that lovely burn of creativity swelling up in me. Beyond my love for art, craft, architecture and music, I’ve added a growing interest in creating plant-powered, whole-food recipes for those who abide by this call to health. I hope to reimagine my place here, bringing to my readers and friends something beautiful and nourishing as a balm for the soul and a beacon to the gentle hearts who walk this planet with me.

If you’d like to connect, drop me a note at brett@iamthelab.com. Bookmark this page; there is more to come.